What is it that the worlds of Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, all have in common? ... Amazing and bizarre creatures!! Most of which are of a more mythological nature such as; the undead White Walkers from beyond the Wall, “Fluffy” the Cerberus (3-headed dog) guarding the entryway to the Philosopher’s Stone, and “Treebeard” the ancient, sentient Ent of Fangorn Forest. Fans of Westeros, Hogwarts, and Middle-earth often find themselves absorbed within these fantasy sagas, using them to temporarily escape reality and imagine what it would be like to be apart of those worlds.
Many creatures, however, are inspired from actual life forms. It is some of these creatures in which this blog series is focused on. The following articles are designed to feature some awesome real wildlife found in these incredible stories by bringing fantasy to life, all brought to you by The Biologist Apprentice and guest blogger Katey Duffey.
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