Photo source: These little guys are members of the Bombyliidae family. Although they are technically flies, these insects appearance and behavior of feeding on pollen and nectar earned them the common name of bee flies. Bee flies live all over the world in different variations; but among them live the rare and adorable Anastoechus nitidulus.
Source: Estos pequeños individuos son miembros de la familia Bombyliidae. Aunque son técnicamente moscas, estos insectos tienen la apariencia y el comportamiento de alimentarse de polen y néctar como abejas y eso les valió el nombre común de las moscas de las abejas. Las bee-flies viven en todo el mundo en diferentes variaciones; pero entre ellos vive la rara y adorable Anastoechus nitidulus. Fuente:
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Loowatt es un retrete inteligente, que una vez utilizado separa las heces de la orina, guardándolas en un recipiente especial. Una vez dentro del recipiente, microorganismo consumen la materia orgánica de la caca, liberando un gas que se puede utilizar paracocinar, calefacción y hasta como fuente de electricidad.
The Loowatt toilet uses a simple, patent-protected mechanical sealing unit to contain human waste within biodegradable film in the most efficient way possible, with a unique odor-inhibiting system. The waste is then stored in a cartridge beneath the toilet, for periodic emptying, which can be weekly or daily, depending upon level of usage and capacity. More info: Los Rape de aguas profundas son creaturas extrañas y elusivas que son muy raramente observadas en su hábitat natural. Menos de la mitad de una docena nunca han sido captados en película o vídeo mediante vehículos de investigación de buceo de profundidad. Deep-sea anglerfish are strange and elusive creatures that are very rarely observed in their natural habitat. Fewer than half a dozen have ever been captured on film or video by deep diving research vehicles. The Tolga Bat Hospital: where adorable abandoned baby bats are wrapped in blankets and fed with bottles.
About 300 bat pups are orphaned every year because their mother is ill and can’t feed them or has died from tick paralysis. These furry creatures are too injured to return to the wild and need to be nursed back to health. Pictured at the hospital, the black flying animals can be seen sucking on bottles, while they are swaddled in colourful blankets. The bats can also be seen bathing in the bathroom sink and even having their hair combed by workers at the hospital. The Tolga Bat Hospital in Atherton, Australia, is a community group working for the conservation of bats and their natural habitat. The volunteers care for bats who have come from hundreds of kilometres away in need for urgent care. And they also take in bats for sanctuary after they have been retired from zoos. Via Daily Mail
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